First Impressions Count!

Our First Impressions Service launched last September to provide local job seekers with smart clothing for interviews.


Run in partnership with the JobCentre Hemel Hempstead, anyone accessing the service will receive a full suit, including shoes and socks, so that they can feel confident taking the next positive step in their life.

Already, we have had a number of success stories from our service users who have used the service and were successful in gaining employment.

We are also proud that our service doesn’t just provide clothing for job interviews, but helps those attending other formal occasions.

Recently, one of our service users came to the First Impressions Service as they didn’t have anything suitable to wear to attend a family funeral. They were extremely grateful to receive a suit from DENS as without this, they wouldn’t have felt comfortable paying their respects.

We rely on your donations to keep our First Impressions Service running.

If you would like to donate smart clothing to help continue this service, please click here to see the list of items and sizes that we are currently short on.

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