For any other enquiries, enter your message below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. If possible, please leave a phone number we can reach you on.
You can also call our Fundraising Office Mon-Fri 9am-5pm on 01442 800268.
If you have any queries, please enter your message below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
We work with Dacorum Borough Council and other agencies to ensure suitable emergency accommodation is found so that no one has to sleep rough.
DENS do not charge on point of entry; meaning people do not need cash to access our emergency accommodation (crashpad) at The Elms or use our Day Centre. Both services provide free meals, washing facilities, and most importantly support to find more independent and stable accommodation.
If you believe someone is homeless or you spot someone rough sleeping please contact Streetlink to report it via their website
If you or someone you know is homeless please contact the Council on 01442 228000. If it is outside of normal working hours please contact the Council’s Out of Hours number on 0800 018 6050. Both services can provide advice and liaise with DENS to try and provide further assistance and accommodation. Alternatively you can contact DENS directly by calling our hostel The Elms on 01442 800131, or submitting an enquiry below.
By submitting your details, you are subscribing to receive emails from DENS about our services and ways you can support us.
Shop closed from Tuesday 4th February until further notice. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.